June 17, 2015

Imagine: eNapkin

Filed under: Cup of coffee — dvd @ 10:01 am

Imagine that you have a great idea. You write it down on a napkin, show to your colleagues, they photograph the napkin with their smartphones, and will get back to you with investment proposals.

Now, what if instead of a napkin one of your colleagues has a laptop or a tablet handy? Imagine that you just grab their laptop or tablet, enter URL enapk.in, type in/draw your idea, and let your colleagues scan the barcode or copy the URL of this napkin. Napkins are stored forever; but are only accessible through their short URLs (just like “tiny URLs”).

This way, any computer is just like a napkin, does not require a log-in to take notes or express ideas. Everyone with physical access to the napkin at the time of writing can later retrieve and use it.

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